
Solar Panel Review

5 FREE Tips to Help the Environment and Save Money..!

5 FREE Tips to Help the Environment and Save Money..!

1. Begin a compost pile.  Reduce the amount of trash in landfills and help your produce skins, coffee ground, egg shells, and other organic matter turn into soil.  You can also save money by using fewer trash bags and using the compost to enrich your garden.  Composting is easier than it sounds. You can read all about it here: How to Make and Use Compost: The Ultimate Guide

2. Using fluorescent lights can be a major factor in cutting greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a new compact fluorescent bulb uses 75% less energy than a standard incandescent and lasts about 10 times as long. Amazon has a ton on sale if you need any..? Amazon Fluorescent Light Bulbs

3. Plan your week.  By making a list of each errand or appointment you need to accomplish every week, you’ll be able to save time and money by doing nearby tasks together. This saves gas money & keeps the environment a little bit healthier.

4. Use less water.  Only run full loads in your dishwasher and washing machine.  Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.  Take baths instead of showers. Even though showers are much better than baths, they still use a lot more water than a bath. Hard to believe…but true.

5. Adjust your thermostat.  Keep the temperature in your house warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter to use less electricity and save money. Click Here for some good buys on Amazon, if you need a programmable thermostat.

Hope these helped…!

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