
Solar Panel Review

Moultrie Deer/Game Feeders-6 Volt Solar Panel

Solar Panel Review as done a new review on the Moultrie Deer Feeders-6 Volt Solar Panel. This is a great way to keep your deer/game feeders working all year long without using any batteries. I have ot personally used this product but it has gotten great reviews by Amazon customers as well as other websites I have seen this product on. Here is a review below from an Amazon customer…

“Works as advertised. With this and a 6 volt rechargeable battery, I was able to keep my deer feeder going the entire season (I usually go through about 3 to 4 alkaline batteries in this amount of time). I have a meter on my feeder that gives me the status of battery power. After 4 months it still says the battery has 100% power. It was nice to know that after a busy week at work, that I could go sit in the stand on Saturday morning and know that me feeder was working. I have several deer & fish feeders I’ve been using for over 10 years and have tried many different battery chargers as I run the feeders year round. I find these Moultree chargers to be the best. Easy to mount on the leg of the feeder and they last for several years.”

Product Features:

  • Ensure a continued source of power for your feeders with Moultrie’s solar panel.
  • Perfect for feeders in inconvenient areas!
  • Trickle-charge maintains battery life; 6-volt.

Product Description:

Ensure a continued source of power for your wildlife feeders and trail cameras with this solar panel from Moultrie. Redesigned connections allow you to plug the solar panel into the game feeder or digital trail camera (compatible with cameras powered by 6-volt batteries only). Retro fitted with alligator clips for feeders and cameras purchased before June 2007. Trickle charge maintains battery life and will never overcharge 6-volt batteries.

This product sounds great & it’s cheaper than batteries… Right..?





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